jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

a simple meal

 (forget about being fancy, mismatched everything, coffee mugs for the wine instead of normal glasses, and having to borrow extra plates, that's classy student lifestyle)

One of the things I miss the most from back home is the value of food and meals in general. Germans do appreciate good food, they are very concious about what they buy in supermarkets, they adore the farmers market in the city centre and in general love eating out with friends and family. Nonetheless, they just aren't the same values, for many of them (and "northern" europeans in general) getting together to have a long, diverse yet simple meal is not natural. So hosting a dinner at my little room was indeed a treat for me, filled with turkish white bread, a wide variety of cheeses (including spanish manchego), xorizo, olive oil, homemade falafel and red wine. We finished with two comforting sweet classics, carrot cake and brownies, which were simply perfect.

And, although it was not intended to be so, the dinner ended up being an election night party waiting for the first results while commenting on CNN's journalists and commentators.

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